Operasi MSK yang dipandu USG dilakukan oleh Dr. Manuel Villanueva di AVANFI dengan E-CUBE 15 EX dan Needle Vision Plus memungkinkan presisi maksimum.
Continue reading “ALPINION’s KOL interview – Dr. Manuel Villanueva (Spain, MSK)”
PT Green Medica Ikut Memeriahkan HUT RI ke 78
Pada 16 Agustus 2023 lalu, PT Green Medica ikut memeriahkan HUT RI ke 78 dengan melakukan beberapa aktivitas agar selalu kompak dan sportif untuk Indonesia yang lebih maju. Continue reading “PT Green Medica Ikut Memeriahkan HUT RI ke 78”
Acara Segera Hadir
Acara Segera Hadir
Ultrasound may heal chronic wounds suggests studyn
A blast of ultrasound can help stubborn chronic wounds heal more quickly, a study suggests. Continue reading “Ultrasound may heal chronic wounds suggests studyn”
Thoracic Ultrasound Identifies Early Signs of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Systemic Sclerosis
In a new study entitled “Ultrasound signs of pulmonary fibrosis in systemic sclerosis as timely indicators for chest computed tomography,” authors show thoracic ultrasound allows clinical staff to identify early signs of pulmonary fibrosis in systemic sclerosis patients who fail to exhibit symptoms. ,